About the Foundation
Life Terra Mission
The prime objective of the Life Terra Foundation is to restore degraded land and our connection to it by facilitating large-scale tree-planting events for all citizens and empowering future generations with the knowledge and tools to take immediate action for climate change mitigation.
Our Team
Our Team is a diverse group of people that are enthusiastic about taking climate action now. The foundation is based in Amsterdam and Barcelona, but we collaborate with partners all over Europe and are always open to getting in touch with like-minded people.

The Foundation
Life Terra Foundation has been granted the status of Public Benefit Organization (Dutch acronym: ANBI) by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. The Dutch abbreviation means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen. Because Life Terra has the ANBI-status, donations to Life Terra may be partially or fully deducted from taxable income.
Stichting Life Terra
Kastrupstraat 11D,
1043 CR Amsterdam – Netherlands
Tel: +31.20 2620240
Constituted: 09/08/2019
KvK (Chamber of Commerce) nr: 75554720
SBI-Code: 94993
Bank account of Stichting Life Terra for direct donations: NL32RABO0358866693 (BIC/SWIFT: RABONL2UXXX). If you would like a receipt/invoice for your donation, kindly email admin@lifeterra.eu with the relevant data, and we will process this as soon as possible. Thank you for your contribution to promote local climate action!
Members of the Supervisory Board
As of the 1st of January 2023, we have a new Supervisory board. From left to right:
Julia van Boven – Chairman
Alexander Boehmcker – Member
Jeroen Jansen – Treasurer
We want to thank our previous board members (Jurriaan Ruys, Tomas Simons and Bertien van Baak) for all their dedication to support and guide our Foundation in the period 2020-2022. They are and remain strong advocates of tree planting initiatives and we are very pleased that they will continue supporting Life Terra as "Ambassadors".
Members of the Management Board
Sven Kallen - Founder & Secretary of Life Terra
Note: Supervisory Board members do not receive any financial compensation for their work.
Download here some important documents from the Foundation:
Form for annual donation deduction (in The Netherlands):
Our Core Principles
Transparency – we are creating the tools to make planting initiatives measurable and visible. Coming soon: a precise tree geotagging tool, and online dashboard for tree monitoring.
Biodiversity – all Life Terra plantings will be multispecies, involving an average of 8 different kinds of trees to ensure mixed forest stands and rich, biodiverse ecosystems. Together with the landowner we choose species that are right for the area.
The right tree in the right place – at Life Terra we work from an “ecosystem-based approach” meaning that we consider all the conditions of a terrain and its surrounding area to ensure that the lands we are restoring actually need trees.
Trees are not enough – we love trees, but they alone cannot halt the climate crisis. We believe our governments, companies, and individual households all need to take action, prioritizing sustainable agriculture, the circular economy, green energy, and biodiversity. Learn more.
Knowledge is power – we want a brighter future for our children. While we work hard to make it happen, we also work to educate the next generation so that they can be equipped with the knowledge and tools they need, to make decisions as future leaders, tree caretakers, and stewards of this earth.
Sustainability – we want our trees to survive and thrive! We only work with landowners that are committed to maintaining their new trees over the long term to take full advantage of their carbon capture potential.
Green procurement – When choosing our own suppliers we look for organizations that have social and environmental goals in addition to their financial ones.
Our beneficiaries
The Life Terra Consortium brings together 17 experienced organisations from 8 European countries that provide expertise, knowledge and network in implementation, technology, education and communication fields.

Let’s fight climate change together!
Plant trees, become a volunteer, trial our education course, organize a restoration project, offer land or compensate your carbon.