3rd Steering Committee Meeting!
Last Friday, January 22, we celebrated our 3rd Steering Committee Meeting (SCM) with all the beneficiaries of Life Terra’s project.
The five-hour session, kicked-off with an introduction of the most important highlights of the Foundation Life Terra during these last few months, and afterwards, the four working groups of the project – technology, education, implementation, and communication – presented their last updates and milestones achieved.
More than 35 people from our 15 beneficiaries joined the session that, due the Covid-19 situation, was hold online via Zoom.

At the end of the meeting, we presented the dates for the next Monitoring Meeting which will take place on the 24th, 25th and 26th of March in Brussels, if the Covid-19 restrictions allowed it.
Congratulations on the great job so far and we are looking forward to this 2021!