FNyH keeps reforesting in Cantabria
Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre returns to the Ría de Solía (Astillero, Cantabria) to continue with a restoration project. This time, they have had the help of 15 volunteers to plant 125 trees and bushes of species such as willow, maple, elder or ash, among others.
FNyH is reforesting several areas of the estuary, some closer to the water than others, so before starting the day they explained to the volunteers the different types of plants that had to be planted in one place or another. It was a very intense day because the soil in this area is clayey and the lack of water made planting a little more difficult than usual. Even so, everyone had a great time and learned a lot about riparian forests and the restoration of degraded areas.

Also, on 12 November, Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre went up to the Alto Miera valley (Cantabria) to carry out another planting activity in the area. Up in the mountains, the Foundation has several plots of land that they are reforesting this year. This time, they had the help of 18 volunteers and some more came from the Burgos area.It is a more complicated reforestation as the specific area of action is only accessible by foot, which means that all the planting materials such as tools, gloves, plants and protection must be carried up on foot.
That day the volunteers were spread over several plots, some higher up the mountain than others. This meant that the volunteers could also observe the changes of species in the forest depending on the altitude. All in all, it was a very enjoyable and rewarding day as the landscapes of the Alto Miera are a privilege to observe.