High survival rate: study case of Sangüesa, Navarra (Spain)
At Life Terra, we want to be transparent not only in the number of trees planted during the project but also with the success of these reforestations. This is why we regularly monitor some of the most representative planting sites of a particular region. In this case, we analysed our tree-planting project in Sangüesa, Navarra.
In November 2021, the Movistar Cycling Team, in collaboration with Forestmatic and Life Terra, planted 1,000 trees in Sangüesa, Navarra as part of their sustainability targets, becoming the first international cycling team to completely offset the carbon footprint generated by its operations.
After one year, the survival rate of the trees is estimated to be over 80% thanks to monitoring activities of the Municipality. The weather conditions of the area helped a lot in the success of this planting. It was cold when the trees were planted and it rained during the following weeks, followed by a favourable Spring season.
Furthermore, the municipality has been really involved in the maintenance of the planting, not only during the reforestation event but also in Summer watering the trees occasionally. Also, they put efforts into maintaining the tree pits in good condition, which proved to help water retention.
We are really happy to see the progress of our plantings. If you happen to be around the area, don’t miss out on the beautiful view from the planting site!
Pictures from November 2022.