"Insieme piantiamo alberi", the Vallelata and Legambiente campaign
More votes, more trees planted. This is the concept of the 'Together we plant trees' competition launched by Vallelata in collaboration with Legambiente. Thanks to this initiative, with the aim of protecting the environment and bringing more greenery into the urban areas of Italian cities, Vallelata will contribute to the objectives of Life Terra.
All citizens have to do is visit the website and vote for their favourite area among the 10 on the list in 10 regions of Italy. At the end of the competition, Vallelata will commit to planting a base of 100 trees and shrubs in the 5 most voted areas to which additional trees will be added, in proportion to the votes cast, up to a maximum total of 1,000.
Once planted, Legambiente will take care of the trees for the first 3 years. Even the youngest will be involved in "Let's Plant Trees Together", in fact, 5 local primary schools will be linked to the 5 winning areas and will receive a lesson on environmental issues, held by Legambiente experts, a kit for planting small plants at home and the chance to take part in the planting day to be held next autumn.
Stay tuned for more!