Life Terra and One Tree Planted event for Kyndryl Germany
Yesterday, 18th Nov, Life Terra in partnership with One Tree Planted (OTP) proudly facilitated Kyndryl's global initiative to plant 90.000 trees for every employee and create a sustainable impact. Kyndryl Germany experienced a tree planting event near Erbach in the Odenwald region, in a previously bark beetle-affected part of the forest.
Around 15 volunteers planted more than 300 trees on behalf of their colleagues. A total of 1,000 trees in Germany are sponsored by the company in this planting season autumn/winter 2021.
These trees and their geodata points will be integrated into the Life Terra platform to make Kyndryl's contribution visible long-term. Markus Koerner, Kyndryl President for Germany, joined the planting activity to express the company's commitment to focusing on critical infrastructure even beyond the scope of their business model, acknowledging that nature is our common and most critical infrastructure for all living beings.
Life Terra is happy and grateful about the successful collaboration with engaged employees from Kyndryl, OTP and the landowner and welcomes more initiatives like this in Germany and the rest of Europe!