Life Terra is now also active in France
We’re very excited to have started the new year with our first 2 plantings in France! On January 4th we planted in Lupec (Languedoc Roussillon) with a group of 8 volunteers. A mix of 40 holm oak (Quercus ilex) and Portuguese oak (Quercus faginea) were planted to complete a section of the forest. The oaks were inoculated with truffle and ceps respectively to add value to the land and create additional climate resiliency. We thank the family Appel and Bamboologic for their interest and support in making this plantation happen. The remaining 19 trees will be planted at a neighbor’s plot in the coming days and tagged accordingly.
On January 5 another planting was undertaken with 10 volunteers in a forest area close to Saint-Saturnin-lès-Apt (Provence) led by Praxis Forest and supported by its board members and other volunteers. Together they planted and tagged 45 Life Terra trees to complete the multi-species climate-resilient forest that Praxis has started last year. We thank the Guillaume family for their positive energy to make this planting happen on this cold day.

If you are a landowner in France and you are interested in more trees on your land, please contact us.