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Life Terra's Steering Committee Meeting 2024!

Life Terra recently convened with the 17 beneficiaries of the consortium for a pivotal Steering Committee Meeting. This significant gathering marked an opportunity to review and guide the project's strategy progress and direction.

Bringing together 17 experienced organizations from 8 countries, the consortium bring together expertise, knowledge, and networks in implementation, technology, education, and communication. Notably, our project is supported by the European Commission through the LIFE programme.

The meeting spanned two days of intensive discussions and workshops. On the first day, we presented the foundation's progress, highlighting key achievements and milestones reached thus far. This session provided valuable insights into the project's trajectory and areas for further development.

The second day of the meeting featured an interactive workshop, where participants divided into groups to explore new businesses or solutions. The aim was to identify strategies that could scale or enhance our workflow and future activities. This collaborative session fostered creativity and innovation, paving the way for exciting possibilities and opportunities ahead.

Overall, the SCM Steering Committee Meeting was a resounding success, underscoring the dedication and commitment of all consortium members to the shared goals and objectives of the Life Terra project. Through collective effort and collaboration, we are ready to take giant steps towards our mission of environmental management and sustainability.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to forge ahead on our journey towards a greener future.