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Life Terra, together with ADF El Bruc, presented our project to #XXVPremisADF2021.

Life Terra presented the project to the ADF Awards 2021 together with the ADF El Bruc.

Our proposal: restore forest areas of 100 municipalities in Catalonia which have suffered a forest fire in the last years.

Our aim: help nature to regenerate, growing mixed forests of native species which are resilient to fire and climate change, always involving local schools, local governments, and the local community in general.

Many interesting projects to prevent forest fires with #sustainableforestry and citizen engagement were also presented.

We congratulate the winners ADF Alt Maresme and Els Cingles ADF and hope to keep collaborating with Diputació de Barcelona to protect and restore our forests and landscapes.

Thanks to the Municipality of El Bruc and SFADF for the awards!

Find the proposal presented here.

And, you can watch the awards again here: