Planting day in Kastraki, Grevena
On Friday the 5th and Saturday the 6th of November, 2021, Life Terra with the CERTH team organized a planting event at Theodoridis Woods, in the area Biscofolia, under the slopes of Prophet Ilias.
The event was organized after the initiative of Grevena Culture Club. The first event was conducted with students from local schools, along with the aid of the Environmental Education Centre of Grevena.
Next day, the volunteers were residents from the city. Both the younger and the adult volunteers got to learn more about the ecosystem services trees offer, how to act for the mitigation of climate change, as well as how to properly plant a tree.
A total of 165 trees were planted, from the species Pinus nigra, Carpinus betulus, Cornus mas and Quercus trojana. The event was covered by local media, while the CERTH team shot some videos to be used for a promotion spot on social media.