PVKPN forest reaches 8,000 trees
On the 25th and 26th of November we started with the planting of the Inspiration forest of PVKPN, to celebrate the 95th aniversary of PVKPN. In the last few months employees of KPN donated trees to this forest. PVKPN doubled every tree that was donated and kicked off the action by donating the first 1,927 trees. Together they reached a total of almost 8000 trees! An amazing achievement and example of how we can have a big impact by working together.
All participants were enthusiastic, and many of them were bringing family members. So it turned out to be a real family event, with many children, but also pensionados. After two days of planting we managed to plant 1200 trees. Later in the season the remaining trees will be planted and bring new live into this part of the Pijnenburg estate again.
Many thanks to Arco Ottenhof and Helen de Greef for organising this beautifull event together with us.