Registration open for to the 4th Scientix Conference

We are very happy to announce that the registration to attend the 4th Scientix Conference, to be held online Friday 18 and Saturday 19 November 2022, is now open via the conference website.
The programme includes high level invited speakers from Ministries of Education and the European Commission and the event will feature keynote speeches by internationally renowned researchers, academics, and industry leaders. There will also be talks related to addressing sustainability in the STEM classroom, motivating students, contextualizing STEM education, STEM and inclusion, teacher training, and more. In addition, the conference will include workshops on specific STEM topics, such as robotics, DNA extraction, geosciences and more. A digital gallery will also showcase more than 100 posters on different STEM topics and the best posters will receive awards during the event.
On the second day of the event, experts convene for two roundtable discussions on STE(A)M and the future of education, and the transformational effects of educational technology, respectively.
Life Terra will participate during the first plenary session the 18th of November from 11am to 1pm. Find the agenda here.
Registration is limited to 2000 participants and will close in early November. Secure your place by registering here.
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