Summer planting site visits
Our Viladecans (Barcelona) planting struggled this summer due to complete lack of rain and several of the bushes and trees we planted, unfortunately, didn’t make it. We count on our friends of De Kring Barcelona to come out again this autumn and replant part of this area. We’ll do it earlier in the season to increase our chances of success. Important lesson: the trees that have a protector are doing much better!

Meanwhile our trees at both Landgoed Beekzicht in Voorst (eastern part of the Netherlands) are growing spectacularly. No doubt thanks to the great efforts of Machtreebuilders & De Bosgroepen and of course the good weather this spring and summer.

Also, we regularly visit our El Bruc (Barcelona) plantation that we did for DKV Seguros last Spring. Here with Jordi Juanós, director of the Plant for the Planet Spain foundation. Trees are holding up very well although we pray for some rain in August! And some unexpected local biodiversity boost at our El Bruc location! Happy to see all these results!