The challenge of urban plantings: case studies of Viladecans (Barcelona) and Las Rozas (Madrid)
With urban plantings, maintenance becomes even more important, as planting sites are usually located in areas with easy access and frequently visited by the general public. This means that planting sites need to be revisited frequently to maintain the trees in good condition. On many occasions, visitors are either unaware of the restoration project or do not know/understand the consequences of their actions. In these cases, Life Terra recommends the use of signs, fences and barriers to create awareness and reduce the risk of accidental degradation.
We have seen on some occasions that trees have been damaged by mistake as visitors were unaware of the restoration project. On the other hand, we have seen high survival rates if trees are maintained properly, particularly if regular irrigation support can be given in summer. This is why it is important to regularly stay in touch with the respective landowners and engage with their maintenance crews to ensure survival and good growth of the trees.
Early 2022 we planted in Viladecans (Barcelona), to restore an urban river bank. Due to the high presence of people walking dogs without a leash, we unfortunately lost a lot of trees. New trees are currently being replanted and special fencing will be applied to keep the public and especially dogs out of the areas. On the other hand, our plantings in Las Rozas (Madrid) have almost all survived the brutal 2022 summer thanks to regular watering and the replacement of protectors.
Pictures from Las Rozas, October 2022.