Valley with trees


The Carabinieri Biodiversity Group is a subdivision of the Environmental and Agricultural Units Command  (CUFA), an organization aimed at reinstating and encouraging sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems with the awareness of how much of this is fundamental for humanity and other living beings.

In Italy, the Carabinieri Biodiversity Group manages 130 Natural State Reserves and 19 state-owned forests and is the agency responsible for the accurate supervision of the National Park system. Furthermore, this group is in charge of enforcing the CITES Washington Convention, a pioneering international instrument for the protection of biodiversity. It coordinates anti-poaching activities as well as those for the prevention and punishment of crimes against animals. It is also engaged in the study and monitoring of forest ecosystems. 

CUFA collaborates with Legambiente and supports the Life Terra project by including in its project all the trees planted in collaboration with the Italian students within the programme Un albero per il futuro (A tree for the future).
